Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Handsom Guy

Choctaw is quite the handsome guy and what beautiful markings. He is stately and playful at the same time. My husband fell hard for him cause he loves the "cow dogs" with their ticking. He was a good racer too and deserves a soft bed to lie on.

Friday, May 14, 2010

So Nice to Met You

Choctaw is one of the friendliest greyhound ambassadors that you'll ever meet! He's got it all. Not only is he handsome, he has a terrific personality. He's so happy to meet people. n fact, he gets downright excited. Once the intitial excitement wears off, he's calm and gentle.

He would be a fabulous dog for a first time greyhound family. If you been on the fence about adopting a greyhound, Choctaw can push you all the way to his side of the fence :)